Pearl Arts Instructor

Melissa Nolan

Melissa Nolan has a passion for helping students achieve things with their voices they never thought possible. She takes a holistic approach to teaching, instructing students to be mindful of both technique and musicality, without sacrificing the longevity of their voice. Melissa grew up watching her sister perform in show choir and aspired to follow in her footsteps. Once she was old enough, Melissa joined the show choirs at Norwell High School, performed in solo voice competitions, and participated in various church ensembles. Her talents have led her to perform as a classical mezzo soprano in Germany, Austria, and Italy. She’s been coaching singers informally for more than a decade and is thrilled for the opportunity to join the Pearl Arts Music Academy. Melissa believes music has a profound impact on how people connect, which is probably why she gets along so well with her fiancée’s family, who all love music as well. Not only is Melissa incredibly knowledgeable about music, but she also knows just about everything there is to learn about sharks!

  • Voice (classical)
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