Curtis Rash

Curtis Rash

Curtis Rash loves to work with his hands, from building decks and fences to pounding away at the drums. He’s also big into weightlifting and running. As someone who has been teaching music for decades, Curtis says it helps to stay in shape both physically and mentally. He loves the classic rock sound of the 70s. He loves the screaming trumpets and wailing saxophones of big band. Music is often just what Curtis needs to shift his mood or frame of mind. He applies that approach to his students. He’ll sometimes invite his students to play along with recordings of jazz legends like Bill Chase or Maynard Ferguson, and these students will inevitably finish their lesson with huge smiles on their faces. Curtis also plays for the R&B/rock band LATCH. Even after all these years performing, Curtis still finds nothing more exhilarating than to climb on stage with strangers and play songs selected on the spot.

  • Drums
  • Percussion
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